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Arch Creek Animal Clinic
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15372 W Dixie Hwy, 
North Miami Beach,
FL 33162

Keeping Your Cat Entertained

November 1 2019

Did you know that cats can get unhappy with nothing to do? Although Fluffy certainly enjoys lounging around in sunbeams, she does need stimulation and entertainment to thrive. Cat toys may seem like the answer—and they are definitely important—but keeping your pet happy and purring requires a bit more than simply offering her a few catnip mice. A local North Miami Beach, FL vet offers some tips on keeping your furry friend entertained in this article.

Kitty Furniture

Get your feline pal a few pieces of furniture that were made to suit her ‘purrposes.’ Cat towers and activity centers are great options, as they offer Fluffy scratching posts, jungle gyms, lookout points, and, of course, napping spots. If you’re looking for a unique and exotic breed to add to your family, you might consider the Ukrainian Levkoy. Learn more about these fascinating hairless cats in our article Meet The Ukrainian Levkoy.


We strongly recommend keeping cats indoors, where they are safe from heat, traffic, snakes, gators, storms, insects, and other hazards. Even if your cat is strictly an indoor pet, it’s still important to have them microchipped in case they ever accidentally escape. Our Microchipping Services can provide your feline friend with a permanent form of identification that will help ensure they find their way back home if they ever get lost. That said, Fluffy does really enjoy watching birds and squirrels. Give your kitty a comfy spot before a window with a good view. Be careful with blinds, though. Cats tend to make themselves little ‘doors.’ You don’t want your pet getting tangled up! Opt for a different window treatment instead.


Playing is obviously really fun for cats, but did you know that it’s also really good for them? Try to play with your kitty every day. Use a toy that you control, like a laser pointer, wand toy, or remote-controlled mouse. Playtime will be both more fun and more challenging for Fluffy if she can’t predict where her ‘prey’ is going next.

Nooks And Crannies

Our feline pals are very curious, and love to explore nooks and crannies. Kitty tents and tunnels, cardboard boxes, and paper grocery bags can all keep Fluffy occupied.


Does your furball spend a lot of time alone? Turn a radio or TV on for her before you leave for work. The background noise will soothe Fluffy, and help her from feeling bored or lonely. If you really want to spoil your cat, try playing her a program made just for kitties!


Set out some pet-safe plants for Fluffy to nibble on and hide behind. Check the ASPCA site here for suggestions. If you have a screened porch or patio, consider turning it into a catio.

Please contact us if ever we can be of assistance. As your North Miami Beach, FL vet clinic, we are here to help!