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Arch Creek Animal Clinic
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Give us a call today! 305-945-1223

15372 W Dixie Hwy, 
North Miami Beach,
FL 33162

Taking Fido To The Beach

October 15 2019

Miami’s beautiful beaches are definitely one of the best things about living in Magic City, or the 305, if you prefer. This is also a great place for dogs! Fido gets to run and play outside all year. Of course, many of our canine friends also like visiting our sandy shores. Read on as a North Miami, FL vet discusses taking dogs to the beach.


Before taking Fido to the beach, make sure he is current on his vaccinations and parasite control. Your pooch should also be microchipped and wearing ID tags.


Fido will get hot really quickly at the beach, especially in summer. Always bring water for your canine companion. Be cautious of blue-green algae blooms, which can be toxic to dogs. For extra tail wags, fill a Kong with something soft, like yogurt or peanut butter, and freeze it. Bring that along with you as a treat.

Paw Care

Dogs’ paws are very delicate, especially when they’re wet. Fido could burn his paw pads on hot tar or sand. He can also cut his feet on broken glass or sharp rocks or shells. Use paw balm or wax to protect those furry feet. You can also try putting booties on your pup, though not all dogs will tolerate them.


The ocean can be a dangerous place for Man’s Best Friend! Only take your canine buddy to beaches that are approved for dogs. Don’t let Fido swim in place with strong currents, steep drop-offs, or a lot of wakes.

Fur Care

Did you know that dogs can get sunburns? This is most common in pooches with pale or thin fur. Ask your vet for advice on putting sunscreen on Fido. Also, be sure to rinse your four-legged pal off before leaving.


We recommend keeping Fido leashed at all times. You can use a retractable leash if you like. Just be careful not to let your furry friend get tangled up with other dogs!


Don’t forget to pick up after Fido! You may want to stash some waste baggies in your car, so you always have some with you.

Time It Right

Try to avoid going to the beach during the hottest part of the day. It’s usually at least a little cooler in the mornings and evenings.

Please contact us, your North Miami, FL vet clinic, with any questions or concerns about your dog’s health or care. We’re here to help!