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Arch Creek Animal Clinic
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Senior Cat Care Tips

September 15 2019

Is your pet aged nine or older? If so, Fluffy is entering—or perhaps already in—kitty retirement. Cats usually age slowly and gracefully, so you probably won’t notice any drastic changes right away. It’s fun to look back at all the adorable and mischievous things your feline friend has done over the years. Check out our article on Fluffy’s Year In Review for a humorous take on a cat’s annual adventures. However, you will want to make some minor adjustments to your pet’s care regimen, to keep her happy and purring. A North Miami, FL vet offers tips on caring for a senior cat in this article.


Make sure that your little buddy is eating a good, high-quality diet that is appropriate for her age. Your furball may also benefit from certain supplements. Just be careful not to overfeed your feline friend. If Fluffy becomes obese, she will be at increased risk of developing some very serious health issues! Ask your vet for specific advice.


Fluffy may be more interested in napping than in chasing that little red dot, but she’ll still need to let her inner kitten out on occasion. Fun play sessions are actually very beneficial for cats. For one thing, playing is a great kitty workout. It also offers beneficial mental stimulation. This is very important, as it can help ward off the cognitive decay some of our feline pals face as they age.

Kitty Comforts

Keep your pet’s comfort in mind. Small things, like pet ramps or stairs, senior-friendly litterboxes, and comfy beds, will make life much easier for Fluffy.


Your kitty may have a hard time reaching her entire body when grooming herself. Brushing her regularly will help keep her coat soft, clean, and free of tangles.


It isn’t unusual for older cats to develop issues with their vision. A nightlight will help Fluffy get around more easily after dark.

Veterinary Care

Fluffy may need to see the vet more often as she grows older. Regular exams are extremely important for senior cats. Our Vet Wellness and Pet Vaccinations services can help catch and treat any potential health issues early on, ensuring your feline friend stays healthy and happy in her golden years. Between appointments, watch for signs of illness. Call your vet right away if you notice anything amiss.


Your feline pal may become more affectionate in her golden years. Spend lots of time with Fluffy, and make sure that she feels loved. Just be very careful when picking her up and putting her down.

Do you have questions or concerns about caring for your senior cat? Call us, your local North Miami, FL vet clinic, today!