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Arch Creek Animal Clinic
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Doggy Paw Care

October 1 2019

Does your canine buddy know how to Shake or High Five? Fido can do some pretty cute tricks with his paws! Actually, those furry feet are crucial to your pet’s health and well-being. Without them, he couldn’t play Fetch or jump for joy to see you. A North Miami Beach, FL vet discusses doggy paw care in this article.


Don’t let Fido’s nails get too long! Overgrown nails are quite painful for dogs. Your furry friend may change his stride because of the discomfort. This can really strain his bone and joints. Long nails also easily catch and tear on things, which can lead to painful infections. If you aren’t comfortable cutting your pet’s nails yourself, get some clippers that have sensors. Or, contact us to schedule a pawdicure. Keep in mind that puppies may have different nail care needs during their teething process. To learn more, read our article on Understanding the Puppy Teething Process.


We probably don’t have to tell you that Miami can get pretty hot. Fido can get painful burns by walking or running on scorching hot surfaces. Use paw balm or wax to protect your pet’s feet. Also, try to keep him on dirt and grass as much as possible.

Toe Fur

Does Fido have tufts of fur growing between his toes? These are cute, but you may want to trim them. They can easily pick up gunk, like gum, and sometimes get matted or tangled. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Paws For Inspection

We recommend inspecting Fido’s feet regularly. Look for insect bites, ticks, cuts, scrapes, or abrasions. Also, check for swelling, heat, and/or redness. If you see something small, like a little nick, you can treat it yourself with antiseptic. However, anything more serious than that should be treated by a veterinarian. Paw infections are definitely not something to mess around with!


Does your furry buddy hate having his feet handled? Fido may be ticklish, or he may just not like having his feet touched. One thing that may help is desensitization. Teach your pooch that he’ll get a yummy treat every time he gives you his foot. Most likely, he’ll become a bit more accepting of the idea. The next thing is to start running clippers over his toes, so he gets used to them. Offer lots of treats and praise to help your pet form a ‘pawsitive’ association with this.

Our Advice on Doggy Paw Care in 2024

What problems can occur if a dog’s nails get too long?

When a dog’s nails grow too long, it can lead to discomfort and health issues. Long nails alter a dog’s gait, putting undue stress on their joints and bones, possibly resulting in arthritis or other joint problems. Additionally, overgrown nails are prone to snagging and tearing, risking painful injuries and potential infections. This discomfort can also cause behavioral changes, such as reluctance to walk or play. Regular nail trimming is crucial to maintain your dog’s comfort and prevent these complications, ensuring they remain happy and active.

Why is it essential to protect a dog’s paws from heat, especially in hot climates like Miami?

Protecting a dog’s paws from heat in hot climates like Miami is vital because surfaces like asphalt or concrete can become scorchingly hot. These hot surfaces can cause burns, blisters, and discomfort to a dog’s sensitive paw pads. Just as humans need shoes to protect their feet from heat, dogs need similar protection. Using paw balm or wax can create a protective barrier, and steering walks toward more excellent, grassy areas helps minimize the risk. Remember, if it’s too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws.

What issues can arise from tufts of fur growing between a dog’s toes, and how can they be managed?

While often seen as cute, tufts of fur between a dog’s toes can cause several issues if not appropriately managed. This excess fur can collect debris, dirt, and even harmful substances like gum or tar, leading to discomfort and potential skin irritations. It can retain moisture in wet conditions, creating a breeding ground for infections. Moreover, tangled or matted fur can cause pain and affect your dog’s gait. Regular trimming of these tufts is essential. It keeps the paw area clean and prevents these problems, ensuring your dog remains comfortable and healthy.

How often should a dog’s paws be inspected, and what should owners look for?

Regularly inspecting a dog’s paws is crucial for maintaining their overall health. Ideally, this should be done weekly. Owners should look for several key indicators: cuts, scrapes, or abrasions; signs of infection like redness or swelling; and foreign objects like thorns or glass. It’s also essential to check for ticks, insect bites, and signs of irritation between the pads and toes. Paw pads may require moisturizing care if they appear cracked or dry. Any abnormalities, especially those causing discomfort or not healing quickly, should be evaluated by a veterinarian.

What is the best way to help a dog that dislikes having its feet touched or handled?

For a dog that dislikes touching its feet, gradual desensitization and positive reinforcement are critical. Start by gently touching the dog’s feet for short periods, rewarding them with treats and praise for allowing this contact. Gradually increase the duration and pressure of the touches. Introduce nail clippers or grinders by first letting the dog sniff and inspect them, associating these tools with positive experiences like treats or play. Consistency and patience are crucial; taking your time with the process is essential. Over time, this approach can help reduce the dog’s discomfort and anxiety about paw handling.

Is your pet due for vaccinations, parasite control, or an exam? Contact us, your North Miami Beach, FL vet clinic, today!