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Meet The Ukrainian Levkoy

May 1 2022

Over the past few months, the world’s attention has been very much focused on the conflict in Ukraine. The situation has been just heartbreaking to see, and is affecting not just its people, but also its animals. Cats are just as popular in Ukraine as they are here. However, while Ukrainians have all sorts of kitties, only one breed originated in the region: the Levkoy. A vet takes a look at this unusual feline below.


The Ukrainian Levkoy is definitely a new kit in town. Between 2000 and 2011, a breeder named Elena Biriukova developed the breed by crossing Scottish Folds and hairless Donskoys. The Levkoy has not yet been recognized by the larger international breeders associations, such as the CFA or TICA. However, they were officially accepted by a regional one, the ICFA RUI, back in 2005.


For the most part, Levkoys have the same needs as other cats. However, because they don’t have fur, they get cold easily. They often need sweaters when it’s cold, and will appreciate a heated or thermal bed. Like our other feline pals, they often like basking in the sun. You’ll also need to use sunscreen on your kitty when she is sunbathing or outdoors on sunny days. Ask your vet for care tips.


Levkoys are considered a hairless breed, though some of them do have some down. Their heads are unusually angular, and their ears are sometimes rounded, like the Scottish Fold’s. They sometimes have curly whiskers and/or long tails with pointy ends. Fluffy can also get pretty big!


Levkoys are very affectionate and sociable, and they get really attached to their humans. In fact, they are so friendly that they can get depressed and anxious if left alone for even eight hours. If you get one, you may want to get your new pet a buddy, so she doesn’t get lonely. If adopting another pet isn’t feasible, consider fostering as an alternative. Learn more about whether this might be a good option for you by checking out our article “Is Fostering Pets Right For You?“. Levkoys are also very playful, and need lots of toys and playtime.


Because Levkoys are so new, we don’t have much data regarding their long-term health yet. However, it stands to reason that they would be susceptible to the same conditions their ancestors often get. The Scottish Fold may develop kidney issues or cardiomyopathy, while Donskoys are prone to getting dental issues and dysplasia. Dental health is particularly crucial for Levkoys, so consider our “Veterinary Dentistry” services to ensure your cat maintains healthy teeth and gums. As with any other cat, proper veterinary care is crucial.


As you may know, Many wonderful organizations around the world have been stepping up to help the people of Ukraine and their beloved pets. One that is specifically focused on helping animals is IFAW. To learn more about them, or perhaps make a donation, you can visit their site here. Every little bit helps!

Our Advice on Meet The Ukrainian Levkoy in 2024

How do Ukrainian Levkoys typically interact with other cats and pets, and what considerations should be taken?

Ukrainian Levkoys are known for their sociable and affectionate nature, often forming strong bonds with their humans and coexisting well with other cats and pets. When introducing a Levkoy to other animals, gradual and supervised interactions are important to ensure a smooth transition and positive relationships. Given their need for companionship, having another pet can be beneficial to prevent loneliness and anxiety. However, individual personalities and health considerations, such as the Levkoy’s potential genetic predispositions, should be taken into account. Regular veterinary check-ups will help manage any breed-specific health concerns.

What is the average lifespan of a Ukrainian Levkoy, and are there any specific health issues?

The Ukrainian Levkoy is a relatively new breed, and comprehensive data on their average lifespan is still emerging. However, they are generally expected to live around 12 to 15 years with proper care. Given their ancestry, Levkoys may inherit health issues prevalent in Scottish Folds, such as kidney issues or cardiomyopathy, and in Donskoys, including dental issues and dysplasia. Regular veterinary care, including check-ups at our clinic in North Miami Beach, FL, is essential to monitor and manage these potential health concerns, ensuring a healthy life for these distinctive cats.

Are there any specific dietary requirements or recommendations for Ukrainian Levkoys?

Ukrainian Levkoys, like all cats, benefit from a balanced, high-quality diet tailored to their age, size, and health status. Due to their hairless nature, maintaining healthy skin is crucial, so diets rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can be beneficial. Given their potential genetic predispositions to certain health issues, such as dental problems from their Donskoy ancestry, a diet that supports dental health is advisable. Always provide access to fresh water, and consult with a veterinarian for personalized dietary recommendations to ensure your Ukrainian Levkoy’s nutritional needs are met effectively.

What is the ideal living environment for a Ukrainian Levkoy, and do they have any specific needs in terms of temperature regulation?

The ideal living environment for a Ukrainian Levkoy cat is indoors, where temperature can be controlled, due to their hairlessness and sensitivity to cold. They benefit from warm, cozy spaces and may require sweaters in cooler temperatures or a heated bed. Protection against direct sunlight is also important to prevent sunburn, so providing shaded, safe spots for sunbathing is recommended. These cats thrive on social interaction and require environments that can cater to their need for companionship and mental stimulation, emphasizing the importance of engaging toys and activities. Regular veterinary check-ups will ensure their specific health and environmental needs are met.

How do Ukrainian Levkoys typically respond to handling and grooming, and what techniques are recommended to keep their skin?

Ukrainian Levkoys generally respond well to gentle handling, thanks to their affectionate and sociable nature. For grooming, their hairless skin requires special attention to avoid dryness or oiliness. Regular bathing with a mild, cat-appropriate shampoo is recommended to keep their skin clean and healthy. After bathing, thoroughly drying their skin is crucial to prevent chills. Additionally, applying a veterinarian-approved sunscreen when exposed to direct sunlight helps protect their sensitive skin from sunburn. Regular moisturizing with products specifically formulated for hairless cat breeds can also maintain skin health. Always consult a veterinarian for personalized grooming advice tailored to your Levkoy’s specific needs.

Do you have questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us, your local animal clinic in North Miami, FL!