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Is Doggy Daycare a Good Fit for Your Dog?

June 1 2024

Doggy daycare has become more popular in recent years. This can be a great option for many of our canine companions. Fido is very sociable and frequently experiences feelings of isolation and restlessness when left alone at home for extended periods. Taking him to a doggie daycare might be beneficial for both of you! While you are out at work, your dog will have a great time running and playing with other canine companions. However, daycare may not be suited for all dogs. A North Miami, FL vet provides some information on this below.

How Do I Know If Fido Is Ready for Daycare?

This is not something we can necessarily tick off based on breed. Fido’s upbringing and personality play a significant role in this. Each of our lovely canines has a personality all their own.

Having said that, there are signs that a dog would not thrive at daycare.

Aggression: Territorial impulses, fear, and social dynamics are all potential causes of violent behavior in dogs. Certain dogs’ aggressive behavior can be efficiently addressed by training. However, in general, doggy daycare is inappropriate for any pup that doesn’t play well with others.

Intact Pups: Typically, daycares want dogs to be spayed or neutered before enrolling. It is commonly known that unneutered male dogs are more violent than other dogs. Fixed dogs may occasionally become aggressive towards unneutered dogs, considering them as a potential threat. In addition, intact females can occasionally cause fights among pups. Overall, there is simply too much potential for unwanted fights amongst unfixed pets.

Scaredy-Pups: Is your pooch very timid? If so, he may not be a good fit. Unfortunately, timid dogs are far more likely to be targeted or bullied by other dogs. Our canine companions have an instinctive capacity to detect when a young puppy is uncomfortable or hesitant. Shy dogs may choose to stay at home in their cozy doggy beds rather than go to daycare.

Big Dogs: Certain huge dogs tend to be fairly sedentary, content to spend their days napping and thinking about bacon. Gentle giants are unlikely to cause difficulties. A huge dog, on the other hand, that is untrained or overly enthusiastic may pose a threat to other dogs or staff members simply because of its size. So, at the end of the day, while Fido’s size may not be a dealbreaker, it will likely come into play.

Many good daycares do personalized assessments for their canine wards. However, your pet’s personality also come into play here. A highly clever dog would benefit significantly from attending puppygarten because it would give him an outlet for his unlimited energy while also allowing him to learn new abilities. A timid couch potato may choose to stay in his doggy bed.

If you are unsure whether daycare is appropriate for your dog, check with your veterinarian and the daycare facility’s personnel.

How Do I Know If Fido Enjoys Going to Daycare?

Our canine patients have very different personalities … and sometimes, different opinions on doggy daycare. Some pups may react positively, while others may be afraid or overstimulated. 

Keep a watchful eye on your puppy, and pay attention to his demeanor and disposition, especially as he realizes that it’s time to go to daycare. If Fido becomes highly excited at the thought of ‘Daycare’ and cheerfully wags his tail all the way over, it is safe to assume that he genuinely enjoys it. If he appears nervous and agitated, he might not be a good match.

If your dog has a severe aversion to daycare, you may notice a difference in his behavior when you come to pick him up. He may appear anxious or unsettled, and his conduct may differ from his regular demeanor.

A high-quality daycare will also have knowledgeable staff who can analyze each dog’s needs. Experienced observers can quickly recognize puppies that aren’t having a good time.

How Often Should I Bring My Pet to Daycare?

It varies based on the dog … and their humans, of course. Many puppies would be pleased to come every day, and they will be completely content to attend school Monday through Friday while you are at work. Others may benefit from a reduced schedule, coming in only a few times each week. Your schedule would also come into play, of course. Feel free to experiment with different schedules and see what you and your pet prefer.

What Are the Advantages of Doggy Daycare?

Allowing Fido to mingle and interact with other dogs can provide various benefits. Here are some of the key ones:

Socialization Time: As previously said, daycare allows Fido to spend the day playing with his buddies rather than being bored at home. This is particularly important for young pooches. Puppies require proper socializing. This fosters a sense of tolerance and acceptance in the puppies, allowing them to grow up to be well-mannered, kind pooches. Poorly socialized dogs are more likely to develop hostility and fearfulness as they age.

Exercise: While some of our furry friends enjoy a more sedentary lifestyle, the vast majority of the dogs at any particular daycare are zoomy and full of energy. Fido will be able to burn off surplus energy. Not only will this help him stay fit, but it will also benefit you. When you retrieve your adorable companion, he will most likely be tired. That means he’ll be ready for cozy times and cuddling, so you can relax together.

Keep Fido Safe: Safety is a critical component of daycare. Some dogs get very frightened when they are left alone, which can lead them to engage in bad behaviors or even try to get away. Fido may dig up the carpet, eat your sofa cushions, or search through the garbage. These items can not only cause a mess, but they can also pose a serious risk.

What Breeds Do Well In Doggy Daycare?

Daycare is great for friendly and energetic dogs who enjoy spending time with their furry friends and have lots of energy to spare. The ideal ‘student’ is sociable, outgoing, playful, and well-behaved.

However, some of the canines who greatly love daycare may surprise you. Toy breeds, for example, are well-known as friendly lap dogs. They do, however, thoroughly like having fun. Even senior dogs like socializing with their pals. It just depends on the pup.

What Is The Best Age For A Puppy To Start Daycare?

Most of the time, little Fido’s vaccination plan is more important than his age. Many daycares will not accept pups until they have received their initial vaccinations and boosters. In addition to the basic immunizations, the Bordetella vaccine and, in some cases, the canine influenza vaccine are frequently prescribed.

Most puppies will have met those milestones by the age of 12 to 16 weeks. That said, you’ll want to get some detailed information from both the daycare and your North Miami, FL veterinarian.

Contact Our North Miami, FL Animal Clinic

Do you have a question about your dog’s health or care? Do you need to book an appointment? Please contact us today! As your North Miami, FL pet hospital, we are dedicated to providing excellent care.