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Arch Creek Animal Clinic
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Never Feed Your Pet Grapes or Raisins

August 15 2021

If you’ve considered feeding your dog or cat grapes or raisins, don’t! Grapes and raisins are actually toxic to our furry friends. These delicious fruits can poison and even kill in the most severe cases. In this article, your local veterinarian discusses grape and raisin poisoning in pets.

Why are grapes and raisins poisonous?

No one knows for sure why grapes and raisins are toxic to pets. Some experts think that mycotoxin, a fungal byproduct, is responsible. Others believe that pesticides sprayed on the fruit may play a role. To make matters even more confusing, some pets are able to eat grapes and raisins without suffering any negative effects. But whatever the cause, it’s just too risky to feed these fruits to your pet.

What are the symptoms of poisoning?

Signs of grape or raisin poisoning usually show within a few hours of ingestion by your pet. Clinical symptoms include increased thirst, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea. Kidney failure, also called renal failure, can occur. These symptoms can also be indicative of other types of pain or discomfort in pets. To learn more about recognizing when your pet is in pain, read our article on 9 Signs That Your Pet Is In Pain. That’s why it’s critical that you keep your vet’s phone number on hand in the event of an emergency. Take your pet to the veterinarian’s office immediately if you know or suspect that he ate grapes or raisins.

What’s the treatment?

Getting rid of the toxin in your pet’s body as quickly as possible is the goal of treatment. This can be done by inducing vomiting, and using activated charcoal to absorb the remaining toxin in your pet’s stomach. Those that have progressed to kidney failure may require blood transfusions or intravenous fluid therapy in the most serious cases.

How do I prevent grape and raisin poisoning?

Clearly, prevention of grape or raisin poisoning is better than dealing with it once it’s happened. Fortunately, all you have to do is restrict your pet’s access to these foods at all times. Keep grapes and raisins in the refrigerator, or closed cabinets or containers, so that pets can’t reach them. Also, be aware of foods that contain grapes or raisins, like salads or desserts.

Our Advice on Never Feed Your Pet Grapes or Raisins in 2024

Why are grapes and raisins dangerous for pets?

Grapes and raisins pose a significant health risk to pets, including dogs and cats, due to their toxic nature. The exact cause of their toxicity remains unknown, with some theories suggesting mycotoxins or pesticides as potential culprits. Regardless of the cause, ingestion can lead to severe symptoms such as increased thirst, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and potentially fatal kidney failure. Due to the variability in pets’ reactions, with some showing no adverse effects, it’s safest to completely avoid feeding these fruits to pets.

What are the symptoms of grape/raisin poisoning in pets?

Grape and raisin poisoning in pets manifests through symptoms that typically arise a few hours post-ingestion. Affected pets may exhibit increased thirst, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can escalate to kidney failure, a condition that requires immediate veterinary attention. Given the seriousness of these symptoms, pet owners should monitor their pets closely and seek prompt veterinary care if grape or raisin consumption is suspected. For residents in North Miami Beach, FL, our veterinary clinic is equipped to provide the necessary treatment and support for such emergencies.

Is there a specific amount of grapes or raisins that is considered toxic?

The toxicity threshold for grapes and raisins in pets is not clearly defined, as sensitivity varies significantly among individual animals. Even small quantities can cause severe health issues in some pets, while others may not show immediate adverse effects. This variability underscores the absence of a safe consumption level, making it imperative to avoid feeding grapes and raisins to pets altogether. When in doubt, prevention is key, and any potential ingestion should prompt immediate consultation with a veterinarian to mitigate risks and safeguard your pet’s health.

Are there any long-term health effects for pets who have recovered from grape/raisin poisoning?

For pets that have recovered from grape or raisin poisoning, long-term health effects can include potential kidney damage. While some pets may fully recover without any lasting issues, others could experience varying degrees of renal impairment. The severity of long-term effects largely depends on the promptness of treatment and the extent of kidney damage sustained during the poisoning event. Regular veterinary check-ups and monitoring of kidney function are recommended for pets with a history of grape or raisin poisoning to manage and mitigate any ongoing health concerns effectively.

Are there alternatives to grapes and raisins you can give your pet as a treat?

Yes, there are many safe and healthy alternatives to grapes and raisins for pet treats. Consider offering small pieces of apples, carrots, or blueberries, which are generally safe for dogs in moderation. Always avoid seeds and pits, and introduce new foods gradually to monitor for any adverse reactions. It’s essential to consult with a veterinarian before making any significant changes to your pet’s diet, ensuring the chosen treats are appropriate for your pet’s health, age, and dietary needs. Our veterinary services are here to help you make informed decisions about your pet’s health and nutrition. Providing a variety of safe fruits and vegetables can enrich your pet’s diet while avoiding toxic foods.

Do you want to know more about pets and nutrition? Call your local veterinarian in North Miami Beach, FL for more information!