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Arch Creek Animal Clinic
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FL 33162

February Is Dog Training Education Month

February 4 2022

Has anyone recently adopted a puppy? Congratulations! Now that your little pup has settled in, are you starting to notice his penchant for chewing on things, like couch cushions and slippers? When this happens, a little dog training can go a long way towards keeping little Fido out of trouble and keeping your home intact. In recognition of Dog Training Education Month, here are a few pointers on how to train your pup.

Lead With “Pawsitive” Reinforcement

When Fido does something wrong, you want him to experience training as a good experience so yelling at him isn’t the way to go. Instead, try to redirect him towards other activities and reward good behavior with treats when he does something wrong.

Establish House Rules

Decide what your new pup can and can’t do before you bring him home. Should he be allowed on the furniture? In the bed? Will certain areas of the home be off-limits or will he have free reign ? Make these decisions beforehand. And once he arrives, always be consistent so he doesn’t get confused.

Train Your Pup to Come When Called

The first thing little Fido learns is the “come” command. Be sure to use his name when training him. Also, don’t forget to get excited and praise him when he does it right.

No Biting and Nipping

If your little canine buddy starts biting or nipping at your hand or leg, try giving him a bone or a chew toy as a replacement. You can also try interrupting the behavior and then ignoring him. As part of responsible pet ownership, it’s also important to educate yourself and others about dog bite prevention. Check out our article on “Dog Bite Prevention Week” for tips and strategies to reduce the risk of dog bites.

Discourage Jumping

Jumping up on you or anyone else is a bad behavior that’s hard to break, so you’ll want to nip this one in the bud fast. Turning your back, and ignoring the behavior, then praising Fido when he settles down is a good way to stop this behavior.

Give Fido His Own Space

Make sure your little pup has his own private place to sleep, like a crate or a dog bed situated in a separate room. Dogs need their own space, just like humans do.

Reward Good Behavior

Always, always, always reward baby Fido for good behavior. You can do this with treats, toys and lots of praise.

If you have more questions about dog training or need the name of a good trainer in your area, please feel free to contact us, your local animal clinic in North Miami, FL! For more extensive support and services, including behavioral training and health assessments, explore our “Veterinary Services” to ensure your puppy grows into a healthy and well-behaved dog.