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Understanding the Puppy Teething Process

February 1 2021

Do you have a teething puppy in your household? This is an adorable (and sometimes destructive) stage of your pet’s life. Aside from protecting your furniture legs from your puppy’s incessant chewing, there’s not a whole lot to do while your little Fido is going through the teething process. Knowing some details about puppy teething is a good idea, though. That way, you know what your pet is going through and when, and you can let your vet know right away if something seems amiss.

Newborn Puppies

Just like human babies, puppies are born without teeth. They don’t need them at this stage, after all. They will nurse from their mother if possible. If the mother isn’t available, they’ll need to be hand-fed from a bottle.

2-3 Weeks of Age

Around two or three weeks of age, little Fido’s first baby teeth will start coming out of the gums. The smaller front teeth, called the incisors, are usually the first to appear. The canine teeth will follow—these are the four long fangs. Your furry pal’s premolars are the last to appear, and they come in behind the canines near the back of the mouth. When it’s all said and done, your canine friend will have 28 baby teeth, which are known medically as the deciduous teeth and are often referred to as the “milk teeth.”

6 Weeks of Age

By the time your pet is about six weeks old, all 28 baby teeth will probably have come in. Around this time, little Fido will be in the process of getting weaned off of the mother’s milk or formula, and they’ll begin eating solid puppy food.

3-4 Months of Age

Around the 12- to 16-week mark, your pup’s baby teeth will start falling out. The adult teeth come in and simply push the deciduous teeth out of the way. You may occasionally see a baby tooth on the floor or by your puppy’s water or food bowls. Most often, though, little Fido simply swallows the baby teeth as they come out. This is perfectly normal.

6 Months and Older

By the time your dog is six months old, all 28 of his baby teeth will likely be gone, and will have been replaced by 42 adult teeth. Your puppy will now have molars in addition to premolars, which are the largest teeth at the back of the mouth that help with chewing and mashing food.

Our Advice on Understanding the Puppy Teething Process in 2024

What is the teething process like for newborn puppies?

Newborn puppies, like human infants, are born without teeth. This is because they rely on their mother’s milk for nourishment during the initial weeks of life. Their gums are soft and toothless during this stage, and they don’t require teeth for nursing. As they grow, usually around two to three weeks, their first set of baby teeth, called incisors, begin to emerge. The canine teeth follow these, and finally, the premolars at the back of the mouth. By six weeks, they typically have 28 baby teeth, gradually replaced by adult teeth starting at three to four months.

When do the first baby teeth of puppies typically start to appear?

Puppies usually start getting their first baby teeth at around two to three weeks. The initial set of baby teeth to emerge are the incisors, the smaller front teeth. This marks the beginning of the teething process for puppies. Their other baby teeth, including the canine teeth, will follow as they grow. It’s an essential milestone in a puppy’s development as they transitions from nursing to eventually being weaned onto solid puppy food.

When do puppies usually start eating solid food?

Puppies typically begin eating solid food at around six weeks of age. They have developed enough to start transitioning from their mother’s milk or formula to solid puppy food at this stage. This gradual transition should be monitored to ensure the puppy adjusts well to the new diet. Providing high-quality puppy food that meets their nutritional needs is essential for their growth and development during this crucial weaning phase. It’s also an exciting milestone as puppies explore new flavors and textures in their diet.

At what age do a puppy’s baby teeth start falling out?

Puppy’s baby teeth typically start falling out around 3 to 4 months. During this phase, the puppy’s adult teeth emerge and naturally push out the deciduous or baby teeth. It’s common for owners to find these small baby teeth around the house or in the puppy’s food and water bowls. In most cases, puppies swallow their baby teeth as they come out, which is normal. This teething process is a natural part of a puppy’s development as they transition from their temporary baby teeth to permanent adult teeth.

How many adult teeth do dogs have, and what are their functions?

Dogs typically have 42 adult teeth. These include incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Incisors are at the front and are used for nibbling and grooming. Canines, the pointed teeth, are for gripping and tearing. Premolars help in shearing and grinding, while molars at the back are for crushing and grinding food. Combining these teeth allows dogs to effectively chew and process various types of food, making them well-equipped for their omnivorous diet. Proper dental care is essential to maintain these teeth throughout a dog’s life, ensuring they can eat comfortably and stay healthy.

Do you have questions about your puppy’s teething? We’re here to help. Call your vet clinic in North Miami Beach, FL, today.